TMN Speakers Bureau
Our Chapter offers speakers for non-political events and meetings as part of our education and outreach mission. Most presentations are approximately one hour, but many can be adjusted as needed. For in-person presentations, the Chapter is able to provide a projector and computer if you do not have one, but the facility must provide a surface upon which the presentation can be projected and power for the projector. The facility must also provide any microphone and amplification system if one is required.
Presentations available include:
Bats: Importance & Preservation
Beach Combing
Bird Banding in the RGV
Bring on the Birds with Native Plants
Bringing Butterflies and Birds to your Landscape
Butterflies & Moths in the RGV
Butterfly & Pollinator Gardens
Climate Change
Common Native Shrubs & Trees
Creatures of the Night
Dark Sky Initiative: Why & How you Can Help
Don't Kill It 'Til You Know What it is
Effective Presentations: Ho-Hum to Hooray
Fighting the Drought
Gardening for Bats
Living with the Natural World
Marine Life
Milkweed Monarchs & Their Kin
Native & Adapted Landscape Plants
Native Bees
Native Plants
Native Plants to Attract Butterflies and Birds
Native Pollinator Plants
Native Trees
Native Trees for Year-long Blooms
Nectar and Pollinator Garden for Butterflies and Hummingbirds
No Lifeguard on Duty: Climate Change…
Plants for Year-round Nectar
Preserving Monarchs: Why & How?
Purple Martins: Importance & Preservation
Shells & Corals of the RGV Coast
Six Herbs from My Garden (not native)
Small Garden for Year Long Nectar
Spiders of the RGV - Spooky Spiders
Texas Water – Them’s Fighting Words
Texas Water Rights – and Wrongs
The Passion Vine Diaries
Urban Canopy & Importance of Native Plants
Urbanization and Landscaping Sucks (Water)
What the Tides Brought in
When the Big One Hits - An Illustrated Hurricane Primer
Wiggle Friends – Worms & Caterpillars (ages 4-6)
If you are a member of the STBCTMN and have a topic for a presentation you'd like to add to our Speaker's Bureau and share with others, please let us know through this form as well.


