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Texas Archeology

Writer: Joseph ConnorsJoseph Connors

STBC President, Donna Otto, gave a presentation to our new TMN trainees on archeology with a focus on the Rio Grande Valley. These are a bunch of resources she shared with our class and wanted to share with everyone on our blog.

Artifacts found on Geology Field Trip - Photo by Joseph Connors


Texas Archaeological Society: Annual meeting, Field School, TAS Academies:

Digital copies of the Bulletin of the Texas Archeological Society are available on-line at: Bulletin of the Texas Archeological Society - The Portal to Texas History (

Texas Beyond History:

Portal to Texas History:

Journal of Texas Archeology and History:

Southern Texas Archeological Association (STAA): Publication: La Tierras (

Community Historical Archaeology Project with Schools Program (CHAPS):

DocuFlyer ( Documenting Archeological Collections

LANDOWNERflyer ( A Property Owner’s Guide to Archeological Sites

Texas State Historical Association:

Texas Parks and Wildlife Dept.:

National Park Service:


References/For Further Reading:

Texas Master Naturalist Statewide Curriculum, Michelle M. Haggerty & Mary Pearl Meuth, eds., Texas A&M University Press, College Station, Texas, 2015. (Also available on Amazon)

The Native American Peoples of South Texas, Bobbie L. Lovett, Juan L. Gonzalez, Roseann Bacha-Garza, Russell K. Skowronek, eds., Community Historical Archaeology Project with Schools Program (CHAPS), The University of Texas – Pan American, Edinburg, Texas, 2014.

The Civil War Era and The Lower Rio Grande Valley: A Brief History, Rolando Avila, Ed.D., Community Historical Archaeology Project with Schools Program (CHAPS), The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley, Edinburg, Texas, 2018.

Palmetto Ranch From Civil War Battlefield To National Historic Landmark, Jody Edward Ginn and William Alexander McWhorter, Texas A&M University Press, College Station, 2018. (Also available on Amazon)

On the Prairie of Palo Alto, Historical Archaeology of the U.S.-Mexican War Battlefield, Charles M. Haecker and Jeffrey G. Mauck, Texas A&M University Press, Ar Station, 1997.

2005 Archeological Investigations at Camp Santo Viejo Cemetery Site (41CF194), Brownsville, Cameron County, Texas, Maureen Brown and Jim Bruseth, Texas Historical Commission, Austin, 2010.

The Civil War on the Rio Grande, 1846-1876, Edited by Roseann Bacha-Garza, Christopher L. Miller & Russell K. Skowronek, Texas A&M University Press, College Station, 2019.

Digging into South Texas Prehistory, Thomas R. Hester, San Antonio: Corona, 1980.

Archeology of the Sheldon Site, Hidalgo County, Texas, Joel L. Shiner, Bulletin of Texas Archeological Society Vol. 54/1983.

ON-LINE RESOURCES: (accessed January/February 2021)

Resaca de la Palma, April 1967 2015 Bulletin of Texas Archeology Society (BTAS) by Hester.

Refuge on the Rio Grande: A Regional History of Bentsen-Rio Grande Valley State Park by John J. Leffler located at the Park website: FINAL_Bentsen Refuge on Rio Grande.indd (

Anderson, A. E., the father of Valley Archeology:

T. N. Campbell and Jack Q. Frizzell, "Notes on the Ayala Site, Lower Rio Grande Valley of Texas," Bulletin of the Texas Archeological and Paleontological Society 20 (1949).

Thomas R. Hester and Frederick Ruecking, Jr., "Additional Materials from the Ayala Site, a Prehistoric Cemetery Site in Hidalgo County, Texas," Bulletin of the Texas Archeological Society 40 (1969).

Historical Military Highway in the Rio Grande Valley | Flickr Historical Markers showing area of Skirmishes, ranches, cemeteries, churches, etc., from Falcon Dam to mouth of Rio Grande River (113 photos).



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